Noah Dawson

Hello there website goer. My name is Noah Dawson, or Throughliner as a pseudonym. I’m 23 and from Ohio, which is where I still reside for now. I actually went to school for audio engineering/music production at The Blackbird Academy in Nashville, and kind of stumbled into a love for drawing while I was there. It’s something I started doing for fun, and after a few drawings I realized visual art is another good medium for me. When it really comes down to it, I think my passion lies in storytelling. Lucky for me, that can be accomplished through many different mediums. Right now I have my visual art prepared to be shared with the world, and I’ve been working on music quite a bit lately, so that should follow not too far behind. I truly do this because I love it, and I have plenty of things to say. Explaining my philosophy to myself and others through different forms of communication is one of my favorite things, and I love to see the different ways different types of media say things. And not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I have a knack for the translation of meaning. I want to make expression and creation my career. The better I’m doing with it, the more time I’ll have for it, and the better I’ll be at it. That’s the kind of cycle I can get behind. You can also expect me to do some story writing in the future, although the day of fruition for that goal is quite a ways away. I’ve always had trouble trying to summarize my person, but as far as my career goes I think this covers it decently well. I look forward to seeing your interpretations of my work. Thanks for reading.