Follow My Feet

Sorry for the watermark. I wish it was avoidable but people really like to steal art these days. ©Throughliner

This is an image that popped into my head as a result of listening to Follow My Feet, a song by The Unlikely Candidates. I do recommend listening to the song to get a better scope of where my inspiration came from and how I thought this image could put a little of my own interpretations of their song into an interpretive piece of art, plus it’s just a really good song. I drew the image as if the perspective sliced through a hill, and underneath the hill resides a tree. From within the tree, going up seems difficult. The branches are sharp and more jagged, and you’d have to fight gravity to get to the top. Even once you’re there, all that’s above you is the cave’s ceiling, littered with stalactites. It’s unknown to you whether or not there even is anything on the other side. There is something there, in this case birds, which I often use to represent something along the lines of freedom, but there’s no proof from your perspective. The roots however extend smoothly to intertwine with themselves in the cave water. The water will lessen the weight of gravity, not necessarily removing it but you don’t notice it quite as much. There are bright plants down there that look interesting and appealing, but to traverse this way is to risk drowning. Imagine the little white spot is your soul.



